To make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation please click DONATE. We are a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization. Our QCO code is 20835.

Below are real stories of people we've helped.

Volunteers working together to provide assistance to those in need.

Michele Michele came to the Legal Aid Clinic after having recently been released from prison. Michele had been incarcerated due to drug use. Michele’s two children had been taken from her when she was sentenced to prison and residing with their father, who also had drug issues as well as mental health issues. Michele just wanted to see her children and was being prevented from doing so by their father who now had full custody of them. Through a series of court filings and subsequent court hearings, Michele was able to not only begin to see her children but eventually obtain sole custody of them. Throughout a long protracted court battle, it was shown to the court that the father of the children was unstable and it was not in their best interests to stay with him. Michele now continues to do well staying drug free, attending church and has remarried and the children are thriving after being with her for several years. Renee Renee was a long time employee of a major big city police department. After 18 years as a dedicated police officer, Renee was wrongfully discharged from her employment due to a disability. The city denied Renee’s request for compensation due to her wrongful discharge. The Arizona Justice Center has taken up Renee’s cause and is representing her in hopes of reaching a just result. Mohammed Mohammed came to an inner city ministry in downtown Phoenix where Christian Legal Aid of Arizona was conducting clinics. Mohammed had been a cab driver in New York City, having immigrated there from a small African Nation. Mohammed had lost his cab in the economic downturn and ended up living in a shelter for homeless people in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Mohammed had issues regarding past debt and unpaid taxes that were able to be resolved by consultation and phone calls and letters from the legal clinic volunteers. Mohammed, who grew up a Muslim and whose uncle back in Africa is an Imam in the Islamic faith, came to recognize his need for a savior and prayed to receive Jesus Christ at the legal clinic. David David came to the clinic having had his wife disappear with his two children. His wife had fled the State with the children claiming that David was abusive, even though there were no facts to support that claim. After months of searching for her and in despair and out of money, David came to seek help from a legal aid lawyer. After a significant search and much time and effort, David’s wife and the children were found and subsequent court proceedings initiated. David was eventually reunited with his children and was able to obtain custody of them. His children are now thriving in David’s household where David is a committed Christian father. David would not have been able to obtain custody of his children without help from the legal aid lawyers. Irma Irma came to the legal aid clinic fearful of being locked out of her apartment. Irma was behind on her rent and had been told by the landlord that they would be locking her out and placing her possessions out on the curb. Irma was afraid to go back to the apartment because she knew she would be confronted by the landlord who had been very abusive to her. Our legal aid volunteer was able to assure Irma that the landlord had no legal right to lock her out of her apartment or remove her property therefrom without following the required court process. The volunteer was able to convince Irma to return to her apartment and in fact went to the apartment with her and was able to resolve the issue with the landlord who simply wanted the rent. Irma was able to pay the rent when her social security check came in and has remained in the apartment. Laurie Laurie came to the legal aid clinic seeking advice on how to obtain visitation with her minor daughter. Laurie had lost custody of her daughter to the father because Laurie was addicted to heroin. Laurie came to the clinic with her mother, Diane, who was also a heroin addict. Both Laurie and Diane explained to the legal aid volunteer that they were both on methadone. Both Laurie and Diane claimed to be Christians and rationalized their behavior as being appropriate and God honoring. After much counsel with the legal aid volunteer, both Laurie and Diane pledged to take steps to wean themselves off of methadone and truly become drug free. The volunteer was able to arrange for Laurie to see her daughter and encouraged her to continue down the right path to freedom from drug addiction and to be the parent that she wanted to be. Marie Marie came to the clinic having been recently released from prison and being involved in a Christian rehabilitation program where regular legal clinics are held by Christian Legal Aid of Arizona. Marie explained that her two children had been taken from her due to her incarceration and that her parental rights had been terminated because of the length of her incarceration and the depth of her drug addiction. Marie had come to saving faith in Jesus Christ while in prison and had been drug free for a significant period of time after leaving prison. The natural father of her two children died suddenly, tragically. Marie had been reunited with her children but was seeking now to become their legal custodian again. Christian Legal Aid of Arizona was able to help Marie petition the court to adopt her two natural children. The attorney general’s office commented that this was the only case they were aware of where a parent’s rights had been terminated and they were subsequently able to turn their life around and adopt their children to become their natural parent again. Marie and the children now live happily with her new husband. Nancy Nancy came to the legal aid clinic at a rehabilitation center seeking information about her inheritance. Nancy had been in jail for various issues and had been freed and now had straightened out her life. Nancy had inherited a substantial sum of money from her father while she was incarcerated. Her brother was to provide her share of the inheritance to her when she was freed from prison. Unfortunately, Nancy’s brother had spent all of her inheritance. The Christian Legal Aid Clinic was able to successfully petition the court for a judgment against Nancy’s brother and obtain reimbursement to her for the money she had lost.
Arizona Justice Center 6550 W. Glendale Ave - Suite 12 Glendale, AZ 85301 Main Phone: 623-847-2772 Law Division: 623-939-6546
To make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation please click DONATE. We are a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization. Our QCO code is 20835.

Below are real stories of people

we've helped.

Volunteers working together to

provide assistance to those in need.

Michele Michele came to the Legal Aid Clinic after having recently been released from prison. Michele had been incarcerated due to drug use. Michele’s two children had been taken from her when she was sentenced to prison and residing with their father, who also had drug issues as well as mental health issues. Michele just wanted to see her children and was being prevented from doing so by their father who now had full custody of them. Through a series of court filings and subsequent court hearings, Michele was able to not only begin to see her children but eventually obtain sole custody of them. Throughout a long protracted court battle, it was shown to the court that the father of the children was unstable and it was not in their best interests to stay with him. Michele now continues to do well staying drug free, attending church and has remarried and the children are thriving after being with her for several years. Renee Renee was a long time employee of a major big city police department. After 18 years as a dedicated police officer, Renee was wrongfully discharged from her employment due to a disability. The city denied Renee’s request for compensation due to her wrongful discharge. The Arizona Justice Center has taken up Renee’s cause and is representing her in hopes of reaching a just result. Mohammed Mohammed came to an inner city ministry in downtown Phoenix where Christian Legal Aid of Arizona was conducting clinics. Mohammed had been a cab driver in New York City, having immigrated there from a small African Nation. Mohammed had lost his cab in the economic downturn and ended up living in a shelter for homeless people in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Mohammed had issues regarding past debt and unpaid taxes that were able to be resolved by consultation and phone calls and letters from the legal clinic volunteers. Mohammed, who grew up a Muslim and whose uncle back in Africa is an Imam in the Islamic faith, came to recognize his need for a savior and prayed to receive Jesus Christ at the legal clinic. David David came to the clinic having had his wife disappear with his two children. His wife had fled the State with the children claiming that David was abusive, even though there were no facts to support that claim. After months of searching for her and in despair and out of money, David came to seek help from a legal aid lawyer. After a significant search and much time and effort, David’s wife and the children were found and subsequent court proceedings initiated. David was eventually reunited with his children and was able to obtain custody of them. His children are now thriving in David’s household where David is a committed Christian father. David would not have been able to obtain custody of his children without help from the legal aid lawyers. Irma Irma came to the legal aid clinic fearful of being locked out of her apartment. Irma was behind on her rent and had been told by the landlord that they would be locking her out and placing her possessions out on the curb. Irma was afraid to go back to the apartment because she knew she would be confronted by the landlord who had been very abusive to her. Our legal aid volunteer was able to assure Irma that the landlord had no legal right to lock her out of her apartment or remove her property therefrom without following the required court process. The volunteer was able to convince Irma to return to her apartment and in fact went to the apartment with her and was able to resolve the issue with the landlord who simply wanted the rent. Irma was able to pay the rent when her social security check came in and has remained in the apartment. Laurie Laurie came to the legal aid clinic seeking advice on how to obtain visitation with her minor daughter. Laurie had lost custody of her daughter to the father because Laurie was addicted to heroin. Laurie came to the clinic with her mother, Diane, who was also a heroin addict. Both Laurie and Diane explained to the legal aid volunteer that they were both on methadone. Both Laurie and Diane claimed to be Christians and rationalized their behavior as being appropriate and God honoring. After much counsel with the legal aid volunteer, both Laurie and Diane pledged to take steps to wean themselves off of methadone and truly become drug free. The volunteer was able to arrange for Laurie to see her daughter and encouraged her to continue down the right path to freedom from drug addiction and to be the parent that she wanted to be. Marie Marie came to the clinic having been recently released from prison and being involved in a Christian rehabilitation program where regular legal clinics are held by Christian Legal Aid of Arizona. Marie explained that her two children had been taken from her due to her incarceration and that her parental rights had been terminated because of the length of her incarceration and the depth of her drug addiction. Marie had come to saving faith in Jesus Christ while in prison and had been drug free for a significant period of time after leaving prison. The natural father of her two children died suddenly, tragically. Marie had been reunited with her children but was seeking now to become their legal custodian again. Christian Legal Aid of Arizona was able to help Marie petition the court to adopt her two natural children. The attorney general’s office commented that this was the only case they were aware of where a parent’s rights had been terminated and they were subsequently able to turn their life around and adopt their children to become their natural parent again. Marie and the children now live happily with her new husband. Nancy Nancy came to the legal aid clinic at a rehabilitation center seeking information about her inheritance. Nancy had been in jail for various issues and had been freed and now had straightened out her life. Nancy had inherited a substantial sum of money from her father while she was incarcerated. Her brother was to provide her share of the inheritance to her when she was freed from prison. Unfortunately, Nancy’s brother had spent all of her inheritance. The Christian Legal Aid Clinic was able to successfully petition the court for a judgment against Nancy’s brother and obtain reimbursement to her for the money she had lost.
Arizona Justice Center 6550 W. Glendale Ave - Suite 12 Glendale, AZ 85301 Main Phone: 623-847-2772 Law Division: 623-939-6546