To make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation please click DONATE. We are a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization. Our QCO code is 20835.
Legal Consultations: Many individuals are extremely distressed when confronted with a legal problem. Many times our free legal consultations are able to inform them that they have no “real” problem and give advice how to resolve their situation. If the problem is more serious, we can offer from over a 100 years of combined legal experience how to best navigate their situation. On occasion if a court appearance is required, one of our lawyers may assist. EXAMPLES: A couple from Mesa saw one of our lawyers after being served an eviction notice days earlier. Since the couple had four children our legal secretary arranged an emergency appointment with a lawyer to defend them. We were successful in having the family be able to stay in their apartment. A widow had been sued by her HOA and within days she was to lose her home as a result of a Sheriff’s sale. Again, due to the emergency we were able to staff with a lawyer and AZJC was able to stop the Sheriff sale. Today, the widow still lives in her home. AZJC has represented 100’s of individuals in court proceedings over the years. However, the “secret” is getting legal advice early. Too many people wait too long. Call 623-847-2772 and ask for a member of our legal team. Emergency phone consultations can be set 24/7. Our team of lawyers can assist in many areas of law; landlord/tenant, civil litigation, accidents, criminal, family law and more. Our senior trial lawyer is Steve Simon, so don’t delay, learn your rights today! Another area to be proactive in is making sure you have your affairs in order before it is too late. Let us help you draft your health care directives, medical power of attorney, living wills, trusts and more.
Arizona Justice Center 6550 W. Glendale Ave - Suite 12 Glendale, AZ 85301 Main Phone: 623-847-2772 Law Division: 623-939-6546
To make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation please click DONATE. We are a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization. Our QCO code is 20835.
Legal Consultations: Many individuals are extremely distressed when confronted with a legal problem. Many times our free legal consultations are able to inform them that they have no “real” problem and give advice how to resolve their situation. If the problem is more serious, we can offer from over a 100 years of combined legal experience how to best navigate their situation. On occasion if a court appearance is required, one of our lawyers may assist. EXAMPLES: A couple from Mesa saw one of our lawyers after being served an eviction notice days earlier. Since the couple had four children our legal secretary arranged an emergency appointment with a lawyer to defend them. We were successful in having the family be able to stay in their apartment. A widow had been sued by her HOA and within days she was to lose her home as a result of a Sheriff’s sale. Again, due to the emergency we were able to staff with a lawyer and AZJC was able to stop the Sheriff sale. Today, the widow still lives in her home. AZJC has represented 100’s of individuals in court proceedings over the years. However, the “secret” is getting legal advice early. Too many people wait too long. Call 623-847-2772 and ask for a member of our legal team. Emergency phone consultations can be set 24/7. Our team of lawyers can assist in many areas of law; landlord/tenant, civil litigation, accidents, criminal, family law and more. Our senior trial lawyer is Steve Simon, so don’t delay, learn your rights today! Another area to be proactive in is making sure you have your affairs in order before it is too late. Let us help you draft your health care directives, medical power of attorney, living wills, trusts and more.
Arizona Justice Center 6550 W. Glendale Ave - Suite 12 Glendale, AZ 85301 Main Phone: 623-847-2772 Law Division: 623-939-6546